‘Ground breaking’ ceremony

Published: May 23, 2024 1:34 pm

‘Ground breaking’ ceremony at Carleton High School

On Friday 3rd May, Carleton High School students and staff were accompanied by key stakeholders from Morgan Sindall and the Department for Education, to mark the official breaking of the ground at the new build site.

As part of the government’s flagship School Rebuilding Programme, Carleton High School will be replacing the school’s multiple teaching blocks with an entirely new 3-story building, securing the future of the school and high educational standards for all of its students for decades to come.

The event saw Morgan Sindall present to those in attendance the plans for the new building, and outline what will be key milestones during the project. Julian Appleyard OBE, CEO of Pontefract Academies Trust, then spoke to attendees about the journey Carleton High School has been on, and what a difference this new school building will make to current and future generations of students. Following this students, staff and stakeholders were then able to visit the new build site and hear more about the plans for the building.

Nick Theos, Project Manager, Morgan Sindall Construction said: “As a local business, we understand how much this development is required and the important role it will play for Pontefract and Wakefield. We are excited to get started and engage with the local community to ensure that this school supports them for many generations to come.”

Shaheen Shariff, Headteacher, Carleton High School said: “We are so excited to ‘break ground’ on our new building. It was lovely to have students and staff present at the ceremony. Our students deserve this amazing resource, it will offer them modern classrooms and enhanced learning environment. This new school is not just a building; it is a place of opportunity and growth for our students and a place our staff can deliver outstanding education.”

Mizuki, one of the school’s year 7 students, shared his excitement about the new build “My dad attended this school years ago, and was honoured to be named Head Boy, and he is now a teacher here. I’m really looking forward to the new building and the updated classrooms where we will have our lessons. It’s exciting to see the school changing and improving with these new facilities, and I will be lucky enough to be taught in our current school building and be taught in the new school building in 2025.”

Julian Appleyard OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Pontefract Academies Trust commented: “As we break ground on the redevelopment of Carleton High School, Pontefract Academies Trust are delighted to partner with Morgan Sindall. This project signifies our dedication to providing an exceptional educational environment for our students. With this state-of-the-art facility, we are laying the foundation for a brighter future, one where excellence in education is paramount.”

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