Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

We believe that students thrive in an atmosphere of respect, care and support. Teachers and support staff work hard to promote this ethos and to make sure that every individual student feels that they are a valued member of ‘Team Carleton’. High quality pastoral support is key to this aim and there is always someone who students can turn to for help and advice.

Our pastoral care system has a structure based on year groups which sees key members of the pastoral team working closely with form tutors to ensure we get to know every student. Happy students, achieve more!

Form Tutors

Each student at Carleton High School is carefully assigned to a tutor group. The form tutor sees students every morning and is a consistent point of contact, taking responsibility for guiding their personal, social and academic welfare and maintaining communication with parents. Form tutors develop a close relationship with their form members, building a solid relationship built on mutual respect. They develop a detailed understanding of each individuals personality and capabilities to ensure they support every form member to become the best version of themselves they can be.

Year Leaders

Students’ attendance and academic progress at each Key Stage is also monitored by a Year Leader who is on hand to ensure all students make outstanding academic progress and have excellent attendance.

Mrs G Rafton - Year 7 Leader

Mrs B Parsons - Year 8 Leader

Mr C Charlesworth - Year 9 Leader

Mrs R Morris - Year 10 & 11 Leader

Student Liaison Officers (SLOs)

Student Liaison Officers (SLOs) are non teaching members of staff who will closely monitor behaviour, uniform and students conduct around the school, ensuring that students at all times are embodying our student values.

SLOs will also give additional pastoral support and guidance to students who need it, working with both students and their families to ensure students grow in to well-rounded, successful individuals, who reach their full potential.

Mr K Doidge - Year 7 Student Liaison Officer

Mrs A Beetham - Year 8 Student Liaison Officer

Mr C Hall - Year 9 Student Liaison Officer

Mr K Crewe - Year 10 Student Liaison Officer

Miss S Novelle - Year 11 Student Liaison Officer

Miss K Johnson - Student Liaison Officer