Keal Carlile

To get where I got to in my rugby career it took a lot of sacrifices along the way. These sacrifices started back when I was at Carleton high school as a student. Going through school having to juggle school work, homework and training most nights for my local club Featherstone Lions, then went onto the Wakefield district, Yorkshire and England before signing on a scholarship at 14 years old (Year 9/10) for Bradford Bulls, who at the time were one of the best and most prestigious clubs in the world.

Even when I signed at Bradford, I had to train there twice a week, still had to train at Featherstone Lions and also district, Yorkshire and England at different times throughout the year. This carried on throughout the rest of my school years.

Although I had all the above to do on an evening I knew how important it was to make sure I kept on top of my school work as I knew rugby was not forever. I still did more or less every after school sport too which I loved – Rugby, football, cricket and athletics to name a few.

Obviously doing all the above I had to make a lot of sacrifices. I couldn’t hang around and go out with friends after school. I couldn’t eat un healthy foods at lunch and break time. A lot of my friends would do the above, but I knew if I made these sacrifices I would get to where I wanted to be and hopefully play super league rugby.

What are you doing now?

I’ve recently retired from playing in March due to an underlying health condition with my heart. But I am proud to have played professionally for 14 years from leaving school.

Due to trying hard at school and ensuring I concentrated on this as well as rugby, throughout my career I knew i had to get something in place for when I retire at whatever time that may be.

When I turned 25 I started studying alongside rugby and became a financial adviser specialising in mortgages and protection. I did this alongside rugby for 5 years. Having this in place as made my transition from a rugby player to normal work as such so much easier.

I know so many players who have retired due to injury all of a sudden and have nothing to fall back on, so this is why I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to try hard, respect all teachers and do well at school, even if you do have aspirations of becoming a professional sportsman in whatever sport you play.

I think all the sacrifices I made and the discipline I have sustained throughout my childhood and career has put me on the front foot in life after rugby and up to know I am doing very well.

How did you get to where you are today?

I got where I am today with all of the above really.

  • Hard work
  • Dedication
  • Sacrifices
  • Professionalism
  • Keeping my feet on the ground and everyday willing to learn, improve and get better because nobody is ever perfect and there is always room for improvement.

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

I think my biggest achievement to date was making my super league debut at just 17 years old live on sky sports! This was all I ever wanted and worked so hard for so to do it at just 17 was a dream come true.

I also toured Wales, France and Australia for my county at academy level which ive got great memories of.

Finally when I came towards the back end of my career I played for my childhood team I supported Featherstone Rovers which again as a young child was a dream of mine.

Making my family proud every time I stepped on the pitch made me so happy. Having my children, wife, family and friends able to watch me every week made playing professionally that bit sweeter!

What advice would you give?

My advice to any child to help them achieve there potential or make a dream a reality is to keep your head down, stay focused not only at what sport you play but in day to day life as this will help you get to where you want to be!

Make them tough sacrifices as young adult and do the right things!

Take advice and listen to others trying to teach you or learn you new things at whatever that may be… academically or at training.

Most of all be humble and do not get 1 step ahead because as I said above you can always be better tomorrow!