Carleton High School is still a ‘Good school’ following an ungraded inspection in November 2024.
However, evidence gathered during this ungraded (section 8) inspection suggests that the school’s work may have improved significantly across all areas since the previous inspection. The school’s next inspection will be a graded inspection.
Quotes from the Report
- There is a tangible sense of 'family' at this school. The school's ethos of 'Team Carleton' is lived by staff and pupils.
- Pupils are happy and enjoy learning. The school has high ambition for all pupils. Pupils achieve highly.
- Pupils actively lead initiatives to support the community. For example, they organise colour runs in support of motor neurone disease. They organise food donations in support of a local community kitchen.
- The curriculum ensures that all pupils can apply their knowledge and understand the relevance of what they have learned. The curriculum is filled with wider learning opportunities such as trips, visits, and guest speakers. Pupils talk excitedly about learning.
- The school ensures that the curriculum is accessible to all learners. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive support that is precisely matched to their needs.
- Pupils think that the best thing about lessons are the teachers. They say that teachers 'bring lessons to life' by telling stories that link learning to the real world.
- Pupils are unfailingly polite and courteous. They are highly attentive in lessons. Pupils have exceptionally warm relationships with teachers. Pupils care deeply for each other.
- Pupils receive a rich programme of personal development. They debate current affairs and compare different world religions. Pupils experience comprehensive careers guidance.
- Leaders prioritise training and encourage staff to develop themselves further. Staff are highly positive about their workload. The school supports all staff with various well-being initiatives.

If you would like to view the full Ofsted Report, you can download below: