At Carleton High School we are proud of the successes of both our school community as a whole and individuals within the school. We believe in celebrating and rewarding achievement and success. We believe that no goal is beyond possibility for our students and we encourage their aspirations and achievements in a variety of ways. Rewards and celebrations are key for us in emphasising the positive and ensuring excellent behaviour and effort.
Carleton Awards Points (CAPs)
Students are awarded Carleton Awards Points (CAPs) by staff. Points can be rewarded for displaying any of the Carleton student values of respect, responsibility, determination or excellence in lessons.
In addition students also receive a weekly CAPs for:
- Weekly 100% attendance
- Weekly zero behaviour points.
Achievements on numbers of CAPs are celebrated in termly assemblies
The students who receive the most points in each year group throughout the academic year will receive a special reward at the end of the year and are recognised at our celebration events.
X - Showcasing Excellence
Throughout the year we celebrate students' achievements on our school X account. This may be showcasing pieces of exemplary work, winning a sporting tournament, performance in a school production, receiving a headteacher certificate, fundraising events, the list goes on. Please make sure you follow us on X @PATCarletonHigh to keep up to date with all our activities and to help us celebrate the successes of our wonderful school community.
Headteacher's Certificates
Students can be nominated by staff for Headteacher's certificates for demonstrating our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Determination and Excellence. Along with their certificate, students receive three Epraise from Mrs Shariff to reward their achievements.

Celebration Assemblies
Rewards assemblies take place at the end of every term where students may receive subject certificates and other rewards for excellent effort and attainment.
The end of term is a highlight for all. Our students are recognised for their achievements in front of their peers during celebration assemblies. Key Stage Leaders, teachers and form tutors nominate students for both academic and pastoral based rewards. Our students thoroughly enjoy these events and are inspired to do their best the following term to secure rewards and recognition for themselves.

Annual KS3 and KS4 Celebration Evening
Our annual Celebration Evenings take place in the summer term and are special events in the school calendar and providing an opportunity for a formal celebration of success. Students and their families are invited to the school to attend an evening which celebrates the achievements of our students. Students are selected by their teachers to receive academic prizes, 100% attendance prizes and recognition in other deserving areas, including representing our school values.

GCSE Results Day
This is what it all leads up to, GCSE Results! We absolute love to welcome our students back to collect their GCSE results and to help them celebrate their achievements.