Key Stage 4 Options


Until now, students have studied a broad range of subjects as they have been required to follow the national curriculum. As they move into Key Stage 4, this will change and students will study the core subjects, along with the options subjects they will choose. We call this the Options Process.

KS4 Options Booklet

This booklet will give you more details about the options process, what subjects are available, what you will study on each course and how it will be assessed.

Year 9 Options Evening

If you and your child need further and support to make a decision about which subjects to choose, there will be an opportunity to discuss options with members of staff on Thursday, 13 March 2025.

This will be an opportunity to discuss options with members of staff.

Throughout the evening there will be a careers advisor and representatives from local colleges to offer support and advice with option choices when considering post-16 opportunities. 

Year 9 are invited to a Careers Fair at Carleton High School following the options evening. This year it will be taking place on Tuesday 18 March 2025. Students will visit during the day and parents can join students at the event after school from 2.15 pm.