Personal Development

Personal Development Overview

The development of our students wider personal skills and character is at the centre of our curriculum, so it helps students improve their academic achievement and be thoughtful citizens that can make informed choices. Opportunities to develop in these areas are threaded throughout the curriculum which includes delivering the PSHE Curriculum, covering the personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) of students. This follows statutory guidance on drugs education, financial & careers guidance (CIAG), sex and relationships education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and the diet for a healthy lifestyle (healthy Schools).

Included in the curriculum is the spiritual, social, moral and cultural education (SMSC) covering fundamental British Values and the current issues of The Prevent Agenda.

All of the above is embedded into the curriculum and delivered through all subjects, particularly ethics and character lessons.  The offer is enhanced through a series of deeper learning days, form time and assemblies

Student Development

British Values

Here at Carleton High School we recognise the multi-faith and multi-cultural make-up of the United Kingdom, and we believe that it is important that we promote the inclusive values which make Britain great. We welcome all students entitled to education under British law, whatever their faith, ethnicity, political viewpoints, sexuality or gender.

We seek to promote British values at Carleton High School through our curriculum, assemblies, form time and deeper learning days.


Social, Moral, spiritual and cultural knowledge gives students opportunities to reflect on their experiences and how they are developing.   It helps them to understand and manage responsibly a range of behaviours as they mature.  It also helps them to show respect for the diversity of, and differences between, people.

SMSC is embedded throughout the curriculum in a variety of ways,  for example, during form time, assemblies, within lessons, deeper learning days and co-curricular activities.

The Carleton High School Identity

Our four values of respect, responsibility, determination and excellence form the core of what we call the Carleton High School Identity, the ‘golden thread’ which binds together all students who walk through our doors. These values reiterate positive attitudes to build character and encompass everything that we try to instil in our students on a daily basis to support them to become the best versions of themselves they can possibly be.

First Aid

We are proud to annually invite First Aid Schools to deliver vital training to all year groups who then follow a progressive programme of skills and increasingly complex situations. All aspects are covered including: fainting, bleeding, factures, choking, anaphylaxis, CPR and use of defibrillators.

Relationships and Sexual Education

At Carleton High School we go beyond statutory requirements to ensure students receive a thorough relationship and sex education which is age appropriate and responsive to need. Within this curriculum this is addressed repeatedly in Ethics and Character lessons and we draw on experts from Spectrum Sexual Health NHS team to support the delivery of work around consent, contraception and STIs as well as inviting the Future in Minds NHS provider to work with our young people on mental and emotional well-being.