Local Children Involved In Remembrance Day In Pontefract

Published: January 18, 2022 1:48 pm

Both of our secondary schools were delighted to welcome Mr Brian Berry MA from the Ackworth and Pontefract branch of The Royal British Legion along with other ex-veterans. They gave an inspirational presentation about their stories of serving in the war. They also spoke about the significance of the poppy. Both schools were also very fortunate to hear the bugle played live, which marked a very significant point in their assembly.

Students from Carleton High School and The King’s School were also invited to be part of the Pontefract Remembrance Parade to remember those men and women who lost their lives on active service in all conflicts. The service honoured those who have served their country from the beginning of the First World War right up to the present day.

Students represented each school and were given the honour of laying a wreath at the Cenotaph in Pontefract Town on behalf of their school and the Trust.

The primary children within our Trust made around 200 poppies to be displayed opposite Valley Gardens in Pontefract Town Centre for all to come and see and mark Remembrance Day on the 11th November.

The idea behind this was to help all the children to learn the meaning behind Remembrance Sunday, Armistice Day, and the significance of the ceremonies and the poppy symbol in a creative and thought-provoking way. This project was in conjunction with Pontefract Civic Society.

Chief Executive Officer of Pontefract Academies Trust, Julian Appleyard OBE said, “We’re incredibly proud to be involved in this tribute to all the fallen soldiers since World War 1. It really has and continues to be a memorable project for all the children, staff, parents and even grandparents to be involved in and has certainly sparked great discussions in all our classrooms and at home too which is so pleasing to hear.”

Phil Cook, Vice Chair at Pontefract Civic Society said, “Collaborating with young children is a great way to demonstrate the importance of this day. We’re very grateful to the children and staff at Pontefract Academies Trust for their contribution to our poppy display.

Pontefract Academies Trust is a multi academy trust educating around 3,900 young people in Pontefract.  For more information about Pontefract Academies Trust please visit: https://www.pontefractacademiestrust.org.uk/

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